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and talks



Kingston Zodiac Walks with the Limelight Essences 


Mary Caine, who  passed over a number of years ago,  brought to light the Kingston Zodiac after having worked with Katherine Maltwood on the  Glastonbury Zodiac . Rosemary has picked up the torch as it were to continue her work. Interestingly one of her Reflexology and Flower essence students went to school with Mary Caines granddaughter . When asked wether it was ok to be carrying on her work she was told it was good as none of  the family had done so.  The Limelight Essences have 12 Rays in the Threads of Uriel which Rosemary has linked to the twelve signs of the Zodiac. I am  not an  Astrologer she confesses she has learnt as she has journeyed  with the work of Mary Caine. In the 10th year this year 2020, which has been in lockdown, the walks have been on Zoom.  Each Thread of Uriel Limelight Essences has 12 Limelight Essences in it. I see a Heaven and Earth marriage taking place and the improvement energetically as the work continues is plainly visable in the various locations . There is no charge for these events when the walks are live and  we actually walk in the various locations a charge of £10 is the exchange.


An Introduction to The Limelight Flower Essences


A 2 hour Zoom workshop. Cost £20 . Dates and times are arranged around resulting interest. Learn how the Limelight Essences came into being and how the story unfolded to include a massive 144 individual essences . A chance to ask Rosemary questions. Also she will choose A Mystic Bridge Limelight Essence which wants to work with you by drawing an Oracle card . Please email if you would like to participate. This workshop  often proves to be a lot more than you anticipated. It will give  you  an insight into your life journey through love.

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